Tag: healthcare poland
Podsumowanie #CyberC4HE z dyrektorami szpitali
Koalicja Cyberbezpieczeństwo w ochronie zdrowia prezentowała podczas 13. kongresu Polskiej Federacji Szpitali Aktyalne wyzwania cyberbezpieczeństwa dla szpitali w tym wymogi związane z dyrektywą NIS2 Read more
The First Hospital of Healthcare Poland
The Healthcare Poland Foundation is proud to announce the formation of a new, innovative hospital center, The First Hospital of Healthcare Poland, in partnership with CM-KLARA. This collaboration represents a groundbreaking initiative aimed at advancing healthcare services and reinforcing Poland’s position as a leader in medical tourism and research. Together, the two institutions will not… Read more
Transformacja szpitali w zgodzie z RODO, NIS2 i ESG
W Healthcare Poland stawiamy na rozwój potencjału szpitali oraz ich kluczową rolę w koordynowanym systemie ochrony zdrowia. Dzięki naszym usługom, które obejmują RODO, NIS2/Cyberbezpieczeństwo oraz CSRD/ESRS – ESG, pomagamy placówkom medycznym w pełnym procesie transformacji – od audytu, przez przygotowanie wniosków o dofinansowanie, aż po wdrożenie nowoczesnych rozwiązań. Wspieramy szpitale na każdym kroku, pomagając im… Read more
NIS2 i RODO: Wymogi Prawne dla Placówek Medycznych | PL
W dobie cyfryzacji i coraz większego uzależnienia sektora medycznego od technologii informatycznych, kwestia cyberbezpieczeństwa staje się kluczowa dla funkcjonowania placówek ochrony zdrowia. W odpowiedzi na te wyzwania, 30 września w Białymstoku odbyło się specjalistyczne szkolenie poświęcone temu zagadnieniu, gromadząc przedstawicieli szpitali, placówek medycznych oraz ekspertów z całego kraju. Read more
Registration Open for Upcoming #CyberC4HE Training Events
Healthcare Poland is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the next two events in the #CyberC4HE series. These training sessions are designed to improve cybersecurity standards in the healthcare sector, providing hospitals and healthcare organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect their systems and patient data. Read more
Data Protection in Healthcare
Healthcare institutions in Poland continue to face significant challenges regarding data protection compliance, with fines being imposed due to improper handling of patient data. The number and severity of these penalties are expected to increase, particularly as new cybersecurity requirements come into effect. This article outlines the importance of adhering to data protection regulations, the… Read more
Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Successful Training in Lodz
Our first Cybersecurity in Healthcare training on June 20, 2024, at Hotel Tabaco in Łódź, was a great success with 40 hospital administrators and executives participating. Upcoming sessions are planned in Białystok and Szczecin. Read more
Official Launch of the Cybersecurity Coalition for the Healthcare System!
We are thrilled to announce the formal kick-off of the Cybersecurity Coalition for the Healthcare System. This groundbreaking initiative aims to bolster cybersecurity in the healthcare sector across Poland. Our press conference, held at the NIL office in Warsaw, featured representatives from various sectors and key Polish government stakeholders. Read more
A Fruitful Collaboration between Poland and Greece
This significant meeting took place against the inspiring backdrop of Athens, Greece, where we had the pleasure of engaging with Prof. Michalis Chalaris from the Democritus University of Thrace (D.U.Th.). The university is however located in the historically rich region of Thrace, D.U.Th. is renowned for its dedication to excellence in research and education, particularly… Read more
Launch of Full-Scale Cooperation: Healthcare Poland Foundation and Greece Forge a Strategic Alliance
The Healthcare Poland Foundation (HCPL) is proud to announce the initiation of a full-scale cooperative partnership with Greece. This strategic alliance underscores HCPL’s commitment to fostering international collaboration, enhancing healthcare standards, and promoting global health innovations. Read more