Tag: Medical Tourism

  • A Fruitful Collaboration between Poland and Greece

    A Fruitful Collaboration between Poland and Greece

    This significant meeting took place against the inspiring backdrop of Athens, Greece, where we had the pleasure of engaging with Prof. Michalis Chalaris from the Democritus University of Thrace (D.U.Th.). The university is however located in the historically rich region of Thrace, D.U.Th. is renowned for its dedication to excellence in research and education, particularly… Read more

  • Launch of Full-Scale Cooperation: Healthcare Poland Foundation and Greece Forge a Strategic Alliance

    Launch of Full-Scale Cooperation: Healthcare Poland Foundation and Greece Forge a Strategic Alliance

    The Healthcare Poland Foundation (HCPL) is proud to announce the initiation of a full-scale cooperative partnership with Greece. This strategic alliance underscores HCPL’s commitment to fostering international collaboration, enhancing healthcare standards, and promoting global health innovations. Read more

  • Poland takes vice presidency in Global Healthcare Travel Council

    Poland takes vice presidency in Global Healthcare Travel Council

    With its new leadership role as Vice President and the Director of Accession, HCPL is uniquely positioned to influence the global healthcare landscape. One of HCPL’s primary responsibilities includes integrating new members and healthcare facilities that adhere to the highest standards of medical practice and patient care. This role is pivotal as it ensures that… Read more

  • Polish Long-Term Care Goes Global

    Polish Long-Term Care Goes Global

    We are thrilled to announce a significant development in Polish healthcare! The Polish Chamber of Long-Term Care Facilities (Krajowa Izba Domów Opieki, KIDO) has signed a groundbreaking cooperation agreement with the Healthcare Poland Foundation (HCPL). This strategic partnership unlocks a world of possibilities for long-term care in Poland and beyond. Read more